
Μακιγιάζ και ομορφιά Blog Δευτέρα Δημοσκόπηση, Vol. 309

Homemade veggie burger by Karen! (Sweet potato fries by Trader Joe’s)

Μπορεί να αναρωτιέστε, “έτσι τι είναι το heck αυτό το θέμα της Δευτέρας δημοσκόπησης ούτως ή άλλως;”

Λοιπόν, δεν είναι μεγάλο μέρος μιας δημοσκόπησης. Είναι πιο απλό ένα συνεχώς εξελισσόμενο (devolvoling;), κάπως τυχαία λίστα ερωτήσεων που βάζω στους αναγνώστες κάθε Δευτέρα το πρωί για τα τελευταία επτά χρόνια. Πάντα μου άρεσε να διαβάζω τις απαντήσεις σας στα σχόλια και ελπίζω να απολαύσετε τη δική μου ανάγνωση.

Lately, my wardrobe staples have been ______.
Skinny jeans (ideally, the kind that feel like pajama jeans, like the AG denim Leggings), a white tee and nude-colored heels. Also, a black long-sleeved mini dress and a black faux-leather jacket.

You can put together a ton of different looks with just those five things.

Crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
Creamy, all the way.

Do you make your bed every morning?
Προσπαθώ να. I want to, because it makes me feel better, or rather, it doesn’t pain me every time I catch a glimpse of a messy bed out of the corner of my eye.

I also get a weird thrill out of seeing the duvet when it’s all fluffy. Unfortunately, that level of fluffiness usually only lasts about five seconds, depending on how long it takes Tabs to notice that the bed, which he sees as his own personal wonderland, has been made.

The best things in life take ______.
Planning, patience, perseverance and…caffeine. (I couldn’t think of a “P” word related to caffeine.)

What’s your favorite healthy food/snack?


Yup, I’m still on a smoothie kick. The one I made this morning had frozen bananas, kale, frozen strawberries, almond milk, chia seeds, acai powder, vanilla protein powder and honey.

I’m salivating right now just thinking about it…


Something unexpected?
That I’d turn into a crazy cat lady.

For real, though! I just always assumed El Hub and I would have a pack of dogs, but then Tabs strolled into our old apartment one fateful day (he was a stray and literally walked right in one day like he owned the place).

What are things you like to do on the weekends?
Sleeping in, going to brunch (brunch, as opposed to breakfast, because of the sleeping in thing), cleaning the house (ugh…but I always feel so much better once it’s done), and relaxing, usually by watching a movie or reading a good book.


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

What are some things that inspire you?
Tropical beaches; bustling, vibrant cities; sleep (LOL! It’s true, though. It’s much easier for me to make mental connections when I have enough REM time under my belt.); biographies and interviews of people achieving their goals in the face of terrific adversity; cheesy quotes about positive thinking.

Where do you go when you need to get away someplace quiet?
Usually, my couch, with a warm blanket and a cup of tea (and away from my phone so I can’t futz with it).

Something you’re afraid to do?
Write that damned young adult novel, already. Oh, and attempt a triathlon.

Τωρα ειναι η σειρα σου. Απλά αντιγράψτε και επικολλήστε τις παρακάτω ερωτήσεις σε ένα σχόλιο με τις απαντήσεις σας. Ανυπομονώ να τα διαγράψω!

1. Lately, my wardrobe staples have been ______.
2. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
3. Do you make your bed every morning?
4. the best things in life take ______.
5. What’s your favorite healthy food/snack?
6. Something unexpected?
7. What are things you like to do on the weekends?
8. What are some things that inspire you?
9. Where do you go when you need to get away someplace quiet?
10. Something you’re afraid to do?

Hello, bud. καλή Δευτέρα.

Did you watch the big game yesterday? Dude…all I can say is that was we left my parents’ house one minute into the third quarter.

Yeah, Tabs was pretty bummed about his team losing, but there’s always next year.

Best thing about the entire super bowl for me was Bruno Mars (and the Kitten bowl on Hallmark).

Bruno’s performance was so much fun, and his makeup? — totally on point! His cheekbones looked defined, but not overly so, and his skin looked great. amazing coverage and smoothness. I’m dying to know what primer, foundation and setting powder his makeup artist used.


Anywho, you have a terrific Monday, ‘kay? and I’ll try to do the same.

Ο φιλικός φίλος σας ομορφιάς γειτονιάς,


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